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- Naturkartan - your map to nature
Naturkartan - your map to nature

With the help of the app Naturkartan, you can find information about marked trails, outdoor areas, bathing areas and outdoor facilities and other exciting green destinations. Naturkartan contains inspiring outdoor guides and is available both as a website and as an app for smart phones.
You can search for what you are specifically interested in, such as canoeing, the nearest rest area or marked trails and easily get an overview of what is available in your immediate area. But with a few clicks on your mobile, you get pictures and short texts that guide you to great outdoor experiences in the municipality of Kristianstad.
In the search function, you can find areas based on the service and accessibility you want. For example, you can search for a rest area and that there should be a toilet nearby. You can also search for a specific area using free text search.
On the map you see your own position and the places you have searched for. If you have not made a search, all places in the entire municipality are displayed. Click on a symbol to get more information.
Watch a film about the Naturkartan on Kristianstad municipality's YouTube channel via the link below.
Where can you find Naturkartan?
You either go to the Naturkartan website, or download the app to your phone. Use the links below.
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