- Startpage
- English pages
- Discover Kristianstad
- Enjoy nature
- Swimming
- Swim in sea and lakes
Swim in sea and lakes
Fancy a swim? Here you will find information about all of Kristianstad's bathing spots. There are 21 bathing areas along our 26-mile-long coastline and 8 inland bathing areas.
Watch our video on Kristianstad municipality's Youtube channel about what applies when you park at Kristianstad's bathing areas.
During summer and autumn, there is extremely high visitor pressure at the bathing areas. Unfortunately, some visitors choose to park their cars illegally. There can be tragic consequences if rescue vehicles do not arrive or that nature is destroyed.
It's easy to do the right thing - do this!
Park your car within the signposted parking lot in a way that shows consideration for the other motorists and does not obstruct accessibility.
A parking sign without a time indication means a maximum of 24 hours of parking time.
Don't do this!
- Fully or partially park off-road.
- Park along the small gravel roads to the parking lots or in the meeting pockets.
- Park across multiple parking spaces.
- Camping/spending the night in the parking lot.
Så gör du om du har husbil eller husvagn
NEVER leave children or animals in the car - not even in a shady place for a short time. Since the sun moves and the car easily and quickly gets very hot, it is associated with a danger to the life of the child or animal.
- What to do if you want to ride a jet ski
- Jet Skiing
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- Telefon: 044-13 50 00
- Karta: Besök oss Länk till annan webbplats.