Enjoy nature

Kvinna med hund som sitter på stubbe i skogen

Discover nature! Here you can hike, cycle, swim, paddle or fish. Choose what you want to do or combine your experience.

There is also a printed map for those who want to experience nature. You can download or get it to your home address for free.

Different ways to enjoy nature

Annonsbild för allemansrätten

The right of public access

In Sweden, we have something called Allemansrätten - the right of public access - which offers visitors a unique opportunity. It means you can move freely anywhere in nature, pick berries and mushrooms and camp in a tent a few nights almost anywhere. The right of public access requires everyone to use it responsibly by treating animals, property owners and others we meet with respect, and by taking care of our nature.

Kristianstads Vattenrike

Rivers, lakes and seas. Ridges, plains and forests. In the Biosphere Reserve Kristianstads Vattenrike you can hike, cycle, paddle, fish and watch birds. Start your visit at the visitor center naturum Vattenriket!

Bild på naturumbron över Helgeå mot naturum

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